Women Entrepreneurs Foundation Centre for Research and Development was founded by a group of core members of organisation in year 2020 to discuss and observe the transforming notions of gender specific growth as entrepreneurs viz. SME's MSME's, Cottage Industries, Small Scale Industries, e-commerce etc. and observe participation of women in decision making in mainstream competitive market.
Research Paper (Reports) are published on opinions & experience of Industry experts (on concerned subject), survey (data analytics), Interviews, questionaries, case studies and observations.
our Studies

Menstural Health and Hygiene continues to be a basic human (gender specific) right issue in era of millennials many are fighting a war on affordability and availability of monthly product.
This study was published in year 2021 based on research and virtual conference of experts and case studies.
Purpose of this study is to identify the gap in the market (Global and regional) and how women (majorly) being the end consumer can discover entrepreneurial opportunities in the segment.

Team, Method and subject for II study shall be announced in the month of august.